
New Clear Power

Apocalypse Later Music Reviews: Weapon UK – New Clear Power (2023)

London-based Weapon got off to a dream start when they were selected to support Motörhead on their UK ‘Ace Up Your Sleeve’ tour in 1980. Meanwhile, the group made a splash with the double A-side single ‘It’s A Mad Mad World’/’Set The Stage Alight”.

After that, there was silence about the band until 2005 when the original set made a acclaimed appearance at the German “Open Air festival”. In 2010 the band reunited in earnest and since then several changes have taken place in the line-up. Today, Danny Hynes, the frontman who has lived in Stockholm for fifteen years, is the only one left from the original edition of the band.

Together with good friend Robert Majd (Captain Black Beard, Metalite etc.) he has created “New Clear Power”, the fourth full-length since the reunion. “New Clear Power” is characterized by meaty riffs and a sleight-of-hand battery with frequent double stomp that brings to mind Judas Priest. Tracks like “Electric Power” and “In For The Kill” are excellent “drive fast as hell” songs on sunny summer highways and the melodically beautiful “Live For Today” breaks off with a moment of contemplative reflection at halftime.

Hynes has a relatively dark voice, not entirely unlike Andy Cairns (Therapy?), which is pleasant to listen to and which contrasts with tenor colleagues such as Halford, Dickinson, Byford, Kiske and Cans. Apart from “Hard Road” and “Shoot You Down”, which are rather dull, there is plenty of shiny noble metal here. So, if you love crunchy riffs, fast hooks and strong melodies, you will no doubt appreciate chorus monsters like “Take It Or Leave It”, fast slappers like “Remote Control” and the beautiful “Riding With The Angels” which sounds a bit like a cousin to The Priest classic “Hell Bent For Leather”.

Weapon vintage 2023 are vital, hungry and focused. With a sound designed for the 2020s, they stand at the same time safely and firmly rooted in British NWOHM tradition. To top it off, “New Clear Power’ has guests Steve Mann (MSG/Lionheart) & Tino Troy (Praying Mantis) along with Oscar Bromvall
(Palace), Magnus Ulfstedt ( Ginevra), Marcus Johansson (Deathstars) and Mano Lewys

Legendary British band Weapon UK has returned to their roots and reverted back to their original name, Weapon. With their latest album, “New Clear Power,” they continue their unstoppable march forward since the ’80s and deliver a solid successor to their 2019 album, “Ghosts of War”.

While the sound may lean towards the old school, Weapon is unapologetic. The songs on this album are melodic, powerfully structured, and still heavily influenced by the NWOBHM genre. The thunderous “Drumbeats of War” sets the tone with its fast pace, sharp riffs, and convincing vocals from Danny Hynes, establishing a standard maintained throughout the entire record. However. The album’s majority finds a solid balance between all the instruments, with the clean production highlighting the music’s edgy character.

“Take It or Leave It” has a smoother build, but it still packs a punch with its relentless guitar riffs. The album’s highlight is the ballad “Live for Today,” where Weapon enlisted the help of keyboardist Steve Mann (MSG/Lionheart).

The album’s title, “New Clear Power”, is fitting, as Weapon brings forth an abundance of fury and strength in the music. The purchase is already worth it just for the driving guitar work of lead guitarist Oscar Bromvall.

“The songs are built around decisive riffs and mostly with fast rhythms, on which Hynes’ still dazzling voice stands out.”

“To my very pleasant surprise, things are kept pretty heavy as well thanks to crunching, munching leads that chew the scenery as founding vocalist Danny Hynes narrates with a very controlled but commanding vocal style.”

Recension – Weapon – New Clear Power – The Maloik Rock Blog
Classic English band Weapon are back with new music and now release the album New Clear Power. I can’t help but think if it is a paraphrase of “Nuclear power”? Weapon derives from NWOBHM. Like so many bands during this classic British music wave, Weapon was an act that did not release a full-length, but only singles in slightly different formats. They are probably best known for the 12-inch single “It’s a Mad Mad World” (1980) which contains the title track and Set the Stage Alight. I would probably see Weapon as in their early years playing hard rock with a lot of riffs and a rawness in their sound. However, the band was unlucky with bad management like so many other bands during the same wave. At best, many bands with the same fate have at least managed to release a compilation album long after to preserve the memory and give fans of the genre something to listen to, which also includes Weapon. But there is another side of the coin for the bands during the NWOBHM which, with the hard rock subculture receiving a reboost shortly after the turn of the millennium, chose to re-revitalize themselves again. In 2005, Weapon returned to play with the classic lineup of Danny Hynes (vocals), Jeff Summers (guitar), Bruce Bisland (drums) and Barry Downes (bass) to play at the Headbangers Open Air festival in Germany. Since then, Hynes and Summers have continued to keep the band together with new members and have released new music with the albums Rising from the Ashes (2014) and Ghosts of War (2019). This is not entirely unlike other similar bands such as Tygers of Pan Tang, Diamond Head, Praying Mantis and others. who have chosen the same path with fairly good results. New for New Clear Power is that Danny Hynes has chosen to make new changes in the band to make them sound more powerful and regain the NWOBHM feeling. Guitarist Jeff Summers is no longer in the band. The starting set consists of Danny Hynes, Tony Forsythe (Bass) and on drums Marcus Johansson from Deathstars (3 tracks), Magnus Ulfstedt from Ginevra (6 tracks) and Darren Lee (1 track). In addition to them also Oscar Bromvall (Palace) and Mano Lewys. There is another clear Sweden connection and that is that the Swedes of the album have recorded their parts in Wing Studios itself, which is located in Stockholm. It has been possible with the help of Robert Majd, who is involved and h Not much needs to be said about the album itself. I understand what Hynes means by wanting to revive the NWOBHM feeling as most of the songs are guitar driven with lots of riffs, power chords, high tempo and loud noise. Should I allow myself to interpret a little freely, it seems that several of the guest artists were given the opportunity to contribute different riffs in pure NWOBHM style, which is a nice offer. I definitely think that the soundscape is faithful to sound NWOBHM in 2023, so you have to give the band a thumbs up for that. The difference from before is of course the production as there are completely different conditions today with better recording and sound. Listen to songs like Take It Or Leave It, Electric Power, In For The Kill and Hard Road which are real riff masters! I think Danny Hynes does a good job on the vocals. In the early Weapon, I think his voice is direct, a little rock and roll and with a nice British accent. Now in this album with an aged Hynes, I think he has a fairly clean but still cool and laid-back voice that does its job. The song Live For Today stands out as it is the calmest song, accompanied by nice piano playing. Making a ballad is not unknown ground for Weapon as they have the old press song Olivia. Another funny thing is that Weapon does a cover of Russ Ballard’s famous song Riding With The Angels. It has become a real NWOBHM classic, but then when Samson and a young Bruce Dickinson interpreted it. Quite the right song to choose in my opinion. Overall, this is the right album for those who like NWOBHM and if you want to bring back some of that old feeling again in 2023. I think Hynes has managed to make a solid album despite some furniture with the set and all the guest artists involved.

“Like fellow NWOBHM veterans Saxon and Praying Mantis, Weapon have found their musical mojo and have delivered an album to shake the heads of metalheads worldwide.”

“The fast “In For The Kill” is just as convincing as the beautiful ballad “Live For Today”. Anyone who can play such a great cover version of Samson’s “Riding With Angel” has won anyway.” Rating: 8,5/10

The first thing I have to mention is that with the title of “New Clear Power”, they really have used a brilliant play of words. But, if you ask me, they could just as easily named this Nuclear Power, as it sounds as if the band have rediscovered their mojo. They sound fresh, enthusiastic and full of oomph! this ROCKS! Weapon – New Clear Power review –

“Live For Today” is an excellent piano ballad that you don’t expect in such an album and the following “Remote Control”, is simple as effective, with an irresistible chorus. A good comeback for one of the standard bearers of the more melodic side of the N.W.O.B.H.” 7/10!

“Danny Hynes sang very well, in a clear rock voice so youthful that it is hard to believe that he made his debut as a frontman in 1980. A voice like wine – the older the better.” Rated 7.1 out 10
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“With “New Clear Power” I now have the new album by the band around original singer Danny Hynes. If I have to smile at the intelligently chosen pun in the title, I’m floored by the opening ‘Drumbeats Of War’. Holy tin, what kind of rousing roast is that? Danny’s voice still has that pleasant crunch, but on the other hand it’s melodic enough to score points in this profession as well. All thumbs up here! But what excites me at least as much is the energy that is released here. The guitar comes with a nice SAXON memory riff and the monumental drum attack right from the first number is more than amazing. And in the following ‘Take It Or Leave It’ the band proves that ‘Drumbeats Of War’ was no flash in the pan. With even more thrust on all cylinders, the sympathetic quartet rushes out of the sound reinforcement machinery and knocks a rat-sharp catchy tune out of the sleeve, which smokes out of the speakers with so much steam that I look forward to a second hole in my ass!”


“These old warriors seem to know what they’re about and waste no time hitting the keys with opener “Drumbeats of War”, which has a piercing guitar riff, heavy drumming and a catchy chorus. It’s all about those strong, catchy riffs and a strong sense of nostalgia, with the Saxon spirit looming over the song structure and stylistic choices. Much to my pleasant surprise, things are also kept quite dynamic thanks to the vocals as the founder singer Danny Hynes narrates in a very controlled yet commanding vocal style.

Ghosts Of War

Rising From The Ashes

  • First listen over and I’m very impressed! There are a couple of instant classics on there right away, especially ‘Ride The Mariah’ and ‘Alamein’. The production is fantastic, the songs are great, the band sound superb, the vocals are spot on, especially the harmonies, all in all it’s a cracking melodic metal album. I guess I’m redoing my playlist for this week’s show! Even the cover and packaging are great, excellent booklet too. You guys have much to be proud of with this one! Campbell Stewart ‘Fatmans Rock Show.
  • Another great, well written, review of the album. This time by Rys Miller. However there is a slight ‘error’ regarding the track ‘Bloodsoaked Rock’ It was never released as a single however we did post a video with the chorus changed to ‘Swedenrock’ in honour of one of Europe’s biggest rock festivals. I would also like to add that it was NOT to advertise an appearance by Weapon (uk) 
  • For 34 years has it been quiet with Weapon UK, whose debut single “It’s a Mad,Mad World” appeared in 1980. So far the band, after a demo in 1981, a contribution to the compilation “Set the Stage alight”published in 2003 and a further single released in 2011 hasn’t quite got the long overdue debut (album) together. This has now happened!
    “Rising from the Ashes” is the title of this twelve-tracker, whose opening track, “Ride the Mariah” catchily enters the ear. WEAPON UK with their unorthodox mix remind sometimes of Saracen or Praying Mantis but despite such, at times loose comparisons, have enough Independence to retain their individual character. Refreshing Rock-fodder of a melodic flavour is plentiful on the recently released debut Album. This UK based four piece does the business with crackers like “Burning Skies”, fat, stomping grooves like “Wonderland” or the dynamically charged “Celebration Time” which is full of drive. Even the thought provoking, balladesque, turning emotional “Alamein” is not, in the slightest, kitschy or pretentious. The band has invested for too much of their lifeblood for that. Tracks like “Fountain of Paradise” convince with powerful riffs, cool grooves, virtuous solos and a very natural, not over-produced drum sound.
    It is through screamer Danny Hynes’ flexible voice and the gripping lead efforts of Jeff Summers that the material of “Rising From The Ashes” gets its appeal. A solid foundation is provided by the dependable rhythm section of Ian Sweeting behind drums and cymbals and PJ Philipps on four strings. The pleasure with which the whole band delivers its debut is obvious.
    This is classic melodic hard rock, and in spite of the surprising modern clear-sound production throughout retains a good measure of punch. Committed shred-lovers amongst the NWOBHM fans will find this album less attractive. Those who can rise above this however will realise that Weapon UK, in places, even has a slight American touch and are quite capable of writing great songs that, maintained in the classical style, fulfil the criteria of the perceived self-judgement. An album one should listen to before blindly buying. 7 out of 10.
    Weapon UK would like to thank Thomas Liedtke for English translation.
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